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Tat Gallery has recently been entrusted with preserving eight works of art that are exceptional due to their cultural and their art historical significance.


The works by Margit Anna, Lajos Vajda, Jenő Barcsay, Júlia Vajda, Endre Bálint and Tamás Lossonczy represent the core of Béla Hamvas and Katalin Kemény’s collection of personal belongings. After 1943, essayist and philosopher Béla Hamvas and literary translator Katalin Kemény became close friends with several well-known artists of the more progressive Hungarian art world. They started to expand their art collection parallel with the writing of their 1947 volume of essays entitled Forradalom a művészetben: Absztrakció és szürrealizmus Magyarországon (“Revolution in Art: Abstraction and Surrealism in Hungary”).


The legal successor now intends to find a suitable public or private collection for the eight works either in or outside Hungary. Therefore, Tat Gallery is looking for committed partner(s).


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